Board Member

Rasha Massalkhy

Consultancy and Investment Management industries

There’s an essential, intangible something in start-ups—an energy, a soul. Company founders sense its presence. So do early employees and customers. It inspires people to contribute their talent, money, and enthusiasm and fosters a sense of deep connection and mutual purpose. As long as this spirit persists, engagement is high and start-ups remain agile and innovative, spurring growth. Over the past years, I’ve screened more than dozens of fast-growth ventures, conducting 500-plus interviews with their founders and executives, in an attempt to better understand their unique innovation.

I’ve learned that while many companies struggle to retain their original essence, creativity, innovativeness, and élan, some have managed to do so quite effectively, thereby sustaining strong stakeholder relationships and ensuring that their ventures continue to thrive. So often business consultants like myself emphasize the need to implement structure and systems as a business grows, missing the importance of preserving its spirit. We can and should focus on both & this is exactly what interests me the most about Agora’s vision, mission & most importantly founding team.


Agora has a strong value preposition that has the potential to scale globally in no time. For it’s not a replicated model neither it’s an extension for an existing innovation. It has a very unique business solution along with a great social aspect to it too, that makes a perfect combination. I truly & genuinely believe in Agora’s mission & shall work with the team hand in hand to ensure it scales successfully.